My first Step.4D project involved a single instrument with two track output, L+R, instead of the 16 for the Suites. In a sentence, it is digital failure created by a theremin and CD scratcher routed through guitar pedals to make both their own sounds and to create midi notes that power two Viruses. The end result is lots of conflicts, glitches and dropped notes and managed chaos. 

St Celfer™ first tracks made on the Step.4D™ (a live only electronic instrument), in chronological order, from number zero in December 2020 -- when I thought I had all the parts ready to go -- through number 123 in March 2021. After all the deletions, additions, and decisions, this collection ends up with a handful of keepers.

Why would I keep it? Not necessarily to release as music. For instance on number 123 I'm testing a kalimba to experiment if it, heavily distorted, can drive the Step.4D™ with enough smattering of midi notes. I like the unusual faint artifacts in the background which are not reproducible since I never quite know what is happening through the complex configuration.

Step.4D™ creates an instantaneous recording to two tracks that can't be mixed later. It's truly and exclusively a live machine. Some tracks survived and the rest are gone forever.

The last collection ended with some tracks that added a steady rhythm -- dance tracks? -- the first time I allowed myself that privilege since composing the Suites (  This collection begins with those beats but transitions to the folk electronic I always wanted to make, both of which will be documented as releases on Bandcamp.  These thematic albums add to the purely jazzy electronic and blues infused albums of the first collection 
re-released on Bandcamp now.


StC Lives I Scratch Tracks:
 0 7 9 10 11 12 16 16b 17 18 18b 24 28a 28b 31 32 33 42 43 45 49 51 56 59 61 67 70 74 79 84 86 89 91 92 93 99 102 103 104 117 119 122 123 126 129 130 131 135 136 138 140 141 150 151 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 170 171 173 
CMPF22C Scratch Tracks: 179 181 182 185 190 191 192 194 
StC Lives I I Scratch Tracks: 200 201 202 207 208 209 213 214 215 216a 216b 217 217b 218 219 222 224 225a 225b 225c 226 227 228 231
PURPLL Scratch Tracks: 234 235 236 237 238 239 242 244 246 247 248 249 251 255 256 257
Step.4D Motifs Scratch Tracks: 258 262 263 264 271 272 279 280 282 283 284 293 317 319 324 335 337 338 340 350 364 365 367 368 370 370b 371 374 377 379 381-382 385-386 410 132 142
Speaking In Tongues: 144 146 147 163
² Scratch Tracks: 
37 38 39 48 53 55 56 57 59 61 64 67 69 72 85 87 450 453x 464 469 471 491 494 499 507 508 526 548 549 550
songs for piano (Antonio): 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 songs before travel...

more horns: 771 781 821 113 114 116 461 466 467 472 473 482 500 501 502 504 505 509 513 514 515 518 521 523 528 530 531 536 542 544 547
 Scratch Tracks:  test(423)
jasm (Studio Marcus Leoni): (53) (64) (65) (66) (67) jasm (R. Graúna): (10) (21) (25) (30) (33) (38) (46)
fifty one (R. Graúna): (445) (14) (22) (26) (34) (39) (49) fifty one (Studio Marcus Leoni): (54) (56) (62) (68) (70) (71) (72) (73)
Finale redux (R. Graúna): (17) (23) (27) (35) (42) (50) Finale redux (Studio Marcus Leoni): (57) (58) (74)
AuralMeet: 108 109 110 111 115 rehearsals: 7-9-22a 7-9-22b 7-21-22a 7-21-22b 
@ Espaço Garganta: 7-24-22 rehearsals: 1-4-23 1-9-23 1-9-23b 1-10-23 1-10-23b 1-12-23 1-12-23b @ Wayward Music Series: 1-13-23 rehearsals: 3-21-22a 3-21-22b 3-22-22a 3-22-22b 3-24-22 
@ BBAGB: 3-25-22 3-26-22 @ Super Happy Fun Land: 3-18-23 @ Midi Users' Group @ Slip Gallery Belltown: 2-18-23 rehearsals: 3-13-23 3-14-23 @ Casa Locomotiva: 9-20-23 raw w/@Ændronic @ Instituto de Artes, UNESP: 9-22-23 raw w/@Ændronic @ iN Gallery: 8-26-23 rehearsals: 8-13-23 8-16-23 @ Temescal Arts Center: 11-4-23 
Step.DDDD: tests: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 99 
Wayward Music Series: 6-15-24 rehearsals: 6-13-24 6-14-24 @ Fire Over Heaven rehearsals: 2-27-24 3-15-24 3-19-24 3-20-24 jasm: 3-17-24 3-18-24 3-21-24 @ Spam New Media Festival: 9-13-24 9-19-24 9-24-24 9-26-24 9-27-24 9-28-24 @The Lab: etudes/
'existence': 74 76 245 250 251 51: 132 135 241 jasm: 248 rehearsal: 143 228 233 235 238 243 live: 257
HΩ™10 605 606 609 610 661 664-5 66.43 66.46 66.52 66.53 66.55
Wet Dog remix: pt1 tjw 8-1-24 10-11-24a 10-11-24b 10-18-24a 10-18-24b 10-26-24fan 10-26-24 Happy Days: 1st 3rd(fast)
The Step.4D™ Brain (& two track recording method):


